STEP A TRAUMA LIFE SKILLS Personal Spiritual Growth Community health and healing Acknowledge trauma is widespread accept all can be affected act to promote awareness Trauma Life Skills Learn more ACKNOWLEDGE TRAUMA IS WIDESPREAD ACKNOWLEDGE that childhood trauma is shockingly as common as the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study shows. ACKNOWLEDGE the widespread impact of trauma on child development, and mental, physical, behavioral, social, and spiritual health outcomes. ACKNOWLEDGE that adult trauma is also common. accept all can be affected ACCEPT trauma-affected (including ourselves) with an attitude of compassion, trustworthiness, and transparency. ACCEPT that trauma may affect you and accept help in healing from trauma to strengthen your faith. ACCEPT trauma-affected with God's love and eliminate alienation and judgement. Personal spiritual Growth Learn more community health & healing Learn more act to promote awareness ACT to assure your mission, vision, policies, and ministry programs are intentionally trauma informed. ACT to promote awareness and improve culture by reducing stigma and increasing open support of trauma-affected. ACT to build trust in your community based on compassion, trustworthiness, transparency and God's pure love.