source: centers for disease control and prevention credit: robert wood johnson foundation
EDUCATE about trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their shocking effects.
EMPATHIZE with survivors struggling with far-reaching effects of trauma.
ENCOURAGE recognition of both personal and community trauma and healing.
EDUCATE about how we can achieve a trauma-informed culture.
EMPATHIZE embracing the heart of Christ within ourselves and in those we help.
ENCOURAGE non-judgemental compassion for each person showing respect for individual differences, situations, needs, and choices.
EDUCATE about paths to healing, resiliency, and post-traumatic spiritual growth.
EMPATHIZE with the trauma-affected and brokenhearted and remind them that God is near to the brokenhearted.
ENCOURAGE spiritual health, healing, and growth through community connections such as studying God’s Word, liturgy, song, prayer, sacrament, testimonies, drama, liturgical dance, addiction and abuse recovery programs, parenting support, and small groups.
ENCOURAGE recognition of both personal and community trauma and healing.
ENCOURAGE non-judgmental compassion for each person showing respect for individual differences, situations, needs, and choices.
ENCOURAGE spiritual healing through community connections in studying God's Word, worship, prayer, sacrament, testimonies, liturgical dance, recovery programs, parenting support, and small groups.